Music Therapist (MTA, MT-BC) Position 2016

jbmusicJB Music Therapy is a Canadian company based in Calgary, Alberta. JBMT is a team of Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) who design treatment plans for people of all ages to foster change: boost mood, decrease stress, improve speech after injury, increase focus, develop learning, lessen anxiety, and recover lost memories. Established in 1991, JBMT is well integrated into the Calgary community and facilitates programs for a multitude of agencies, schools, hospitals, private residences, as well as at the JB Music Therapy office.

Populations Served.

Infants to Seniors. Long term care, acquired brain injury, mental health, palliative care, children and adults with disabilities.  Hospital, school and community based settings. 

Resources and Continuing Education Opportunities.

The employee will be part of a dynamic team of music therapists that provides support and insight into programming.  Ongoing resources and continuing education opportunities are provided to the team throughout the year.

Who We are Looking For.

An experienced music therapist, with all ages and abilities, who is comfortable planning and facilitating clinical groups and individual sessions.  Supervision experience and specialized training (NMT, GIM) an asset.  Knowledge of Calgary is useful as the position requires driving to all quadrants of city, and surrounding areas, to serve clients in need.


Full time, competitive, annual salary.

Flexible insurance package.

WCB, police checks, professional liability coverage provided.

Paid vacation plus company closure every Christmas.

Application Procedures.

Applications are being accepted til November 27, 2016 or until filled.

Please submit a cover letter coupled with your CV.

Please submit application BY EMAIL or MAIL.

Live or Skype Interviews will be conducted.