"There is a significant amount of research showing that patient outcomes, quality of care, and cost of care delivery are all optimized when disciplines work together toward a shared goal that focuses on the patient." – Heidi Sanborn, RN, MSN, CCRN, Clinical Assistant...
Disabilities Articles
‘Beat’ the Flu this Season
A study published by Barry Bittman, MD found that group drumming session alters neuroendocrine and immunologic measurements in the participants - this means a boost to your immune system. Drumming was chosen for this study because percussion activities can be an...
Music to our Ears – 4 ways Music Therapy supports those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Today, individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing are listening and appreciating music as a result of the tremendous advancements in technology.
4 Ways To Strengthen Your Equity Lens – tips for the 2016 Therapist
* for those that may not know, the term 'Equity' is now also being used in a non-financial context..read on for more information. My colleague, Cynthia Bruce, is a researcher focused on equity issues in inclusive education in both public and post-secondary settings...
When Emily Smiles
Emily has Down Syndrome. She spends much of her time in a wheelchair, and relies on others for her day to day care. Music therapy was introduced to Emily’s life to encourage self-expression and communication, as well as increased fine and gross motor movement. Emily...
A Non-Verbal Child Learns How to Communicate
Scott is a 5-year-old who has a natural affinity to music. Every time he hears it in the mall, or during a walk, or when it is turned on in his own house, he will stop whatever he is doing and start rocking back and forth, dancing to the music. In other areas Scott...
A Lullaby for Laura
During her birth Laura lost 20 minutes of oxygen and had to be resuscitated immediately. She had no brainwave activity seen on the two EEG tests, and little hope, except in her parents’ heart. When Laura’s mother finally saw her baby, Laura’s little lungs breathed...
Program Update: Drumming for Change
Walking into a large community centre one Friday night, I was gripped with excitement. This was my first time participating in a community drum circle with close to 100 participants. When the drumming began I was astounded by the feeling of being tied together with so...