Children Articles

MM#32 – Children Find A World They Can Not See

MM#32 – Children Find A World They Can Not See

It’s Thursday morning and eight visually impaired babies and toddlers accompany their parents to the music therapy program at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB). They file in one by one, many of the parent’s looking disheveled and tired. The parents...

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MM#23: A Lullaby for Laura’s Life

MM#23: A Lullaby for Laura’s Life

During her birth Laura lost 20 minutes of oxygen and had to be resuscitated immediately. She had no brainwave activity seen on the two EEG tests and little hope except in her parents’ heart. When Laura’s mother finally saw her baby, Laura’s little lungs breathed with...

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MM#22 – A Sentimental Journey

MM#22 – A Sentimental Journey

Thank you to Christina Wensveen, MTA from JB Music Therapy for this next blog...her passion for bringing music to individuals regardless of age is evidenced in her writing and in her role as Music Therapist and Camp Coordinator.   On a typical Saturday morning I...

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Sharing Musical Stories Across the Oceans

Sharing Musical Stories Across the Oceans

3 weeks ago JB Music Therapy received the call....the MusiKiva Project is a go - get immunized, pack your bags, you are going to Rwanda. Please welcome guest blogger Shannon Robinson, music therapist with  JBMT for over 10 years, to explain how this has all come about...

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