Children Articles

Children’s Groups: never just for the kids

Children’s Groups: never just for the kids

It’s Thursday morning and eight visually impaired babies and toddlers accompany their parents to the music therapy program at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB). They file in one by one, many of the parent’s looking disheveled and tired. The parents...

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Love Songs for Our Children

Love Songs for Our Children

I don't typically write the feedback I get from blogs posted but with your permission here are just some of the messages I received after writing "A Love Song for My Children" from some incredible mothers and grandmothers.  Thank you ladies. I know the pulls and tugs...

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A Love Song to My Children

A Love Song to My Children

During a particularly difficult time in my life I felt overwhelmed and out of touch with what was important.  I know there are many of you in this position – managing work, obligations at home, managing family schedules, doctors visits, grocery shopping, not to...

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