Blog| Notes
Where We Started – 25 Years Ago
JB Music Therapy had its beginnings in Surrey, British Columbia where Jennifer Buchanan visited her grandfather at a long-term healthcare facility; most of the time he would be unresponsive during these visits. Prior to his stroke, Grandad was miserable and Jennifer...
Purposeful Playlists for Life
Technology has changed enough over the last decade to allow us to take our entire music library with us and to arrange it into playlists for particular purposes. Because music can now be “on demand,” - it makes the creation of purposeful playlists accessible and...
The Problem with Music at Christmas – 5 ideas to help
Christmas music is everywhere and for some people it seems to be starting earlier and earlier each year. Memories of ‘Christmas Past’ flood back during the first bars of “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” and for some a happiness chord is struck, joy is released, a...
Tune In Book Tour
Combining powerful personal stories, cutting-edge clinical research, and straightforward strategies and exercises that have immediate take-home value, Tune In is an accessible and perspective-shifting read on the topic of music therapy. Join in the TUNE IN media tour....
Remembrance Day with Captain Becky Watson
On November 11 I was missing one of our favourite experiences of the year - providing music at Carewest Colonel Belcher in Calgary - a reverent service to honour veterans of all ages. This year I was asked by a special group from the American Music Therapy Association...
Music Therapist (MTA, MT-BC) Position 2016
JB Music Therapy is a Canadian company based in Calgary, Alberta. JBMT is a team of Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) who design treatment plans for people of all ages to foster change: boost mood, decrease stress, improve speech after injury, increase focus, develop...
3 Considerations before Hiring a Music Therapist?
Music Therapists work with some of society’s most vulnerable including youth at risk, individuals with brain injury, those with mental health issues, learning challenges, and those in palliative care, long-term care and dementia care.
Make Music Work at Work
There is no easy solution to developing a productive playlist for two or more people. Like all good work procedures and strategies, it takes time and it starts with being proactive instead of reactive. Take the time to identify the diverse needs and cultures of the...
5 Strategies to Help Teach Music to a Special Needs Student
When introducing a new piece of music, play it through in its entirety - up to tempo and with all the dynamics and flourishes you hope to hear at the end of the teaching experience. Break down the lesson into small segments (ie. taking the instrument out of the case,...
Improve the Tone of your Home- Relieve the Stress
When my children were five and six, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Initially, I was so excited. That was the year both kids would be in school, and I would be able to spend my days happily at work and then come home, make a happy dinner, hug my children, and...