Blog| Notes
Shannon Robinson – Celebrating a Special Music Therapist Through Her Work With Remarkable Children
This month JB Music Therapy is highlighting the 10th year of a well-loved music therapist in our company - Shannon Robinson, BMT, MTA.I couldn’t imagine a better way to acknowledge Shannon than to share her beautiful work at the Emily Follensbee School - work that...
Music Reduces the Despair that can come from having Multiple Sclerosis
She sits in her wheelchair in a small, one bedroom apartment, the sun is barely visible through the closed chocolate brown drapes. I unpack my tools for the day, percussion instruments, plain paper, a variety of art media, a songbook and my guitar. Janis has been...
Our Living Soundtrack – Our Music
I had my first “live” music experience in grade 2.Half a school year had passed and the sun started to shine again when Mr. Trudeau walked into my class carrying a guitar case. I had never seen someone make music before with just their voice and a guitar. Mr Trudeau...
Sound Mind, Sound Body
It was my 8th week in a community running program. The snow started to fall half way through the short distance run. We had just turned down our last street to the finish when the snow started coming down fast. I stepped off the curb when I felt a slick piece of ice...
Love in Action
As Valentine’s Day approached I explored the theme of love with my clients. A difficult topic for some who feel thrown away by society and for many even their families. Two such young men reside in a long-term care facility. They have no family and their community...
Music Therapy: An Option in Care For Seniors
I first witnessed the power of music at the age of 14. My grandfather had recently had a stroke that left him partially paralyzed and unable to speak. He would reside in a long term care facility for the next eight years of life. Earlier in his life my grandfather...
A True Gift – Music in Palliative Care
Sixteen years ago, on Christmas Eve, the McDonald family lost their mother to cancer. I know this because the family invited me, as a music therapist, to spend the last few, difficult days with them. The following sequence of events are some I have never forgotten....
Highlighting the Person through Musical Performance
Giving a person with special needs the chance to perform for their community has many positive benefits for performer and audience. For some, communication on the best of days can be a huge obstacle. For the community layman who does not understand neurological or...
A Musical Moment Can Make a Difference
Early one Thursday morning I was referred to a patient on the Mental Health Inpatient Unit at a local hospital. As one would expect I went to the unit anticipating to work with someone coping with depression or psychosis. What I didn’t expect was an 6 foot, 18 year old boy who immediately presented with autism…
Will You Teach My Child to Play Music?
Love and learning are two experiences a child shouldn’t have to earn. Sometimes life presents you with learning opportunities quite naturally, like when you touch something hot it hurts, or when you stay up late for too many nights your attention starts to blur....