Blog| Notes

MM#41 – The Musical Brain – Part I

MM#41 – The Musical Brain – Part I

During sessions at the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured music therapists use the music from the client’s senior high school years as a means to stimulate long-term memory. Connie, a 40 year-old female who sustained a head injury in the early...

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MM#40 – Music as a Carrier For Memory

MM#40 – Music as a Carrier For Memory

Memory systems are activated through improved listening, attention, concentration, and recall. Music works to aid our memory because the beat, the melody, and the harmonies serve as “carriers” for the language content (Snyder 2000).  This is why it is often easier to...

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MM#35 – JB Music Therapy is 20 TODAY!

MM#35 – JB Music Therapy is 20 TODAY!

JB Music Therapy is 20 years as of TODAY.  A lot has happened in this time.  Back in 1991 faxes were still being well-used, email was not and everyone had a cassette player handy. No one knew what an MP3 player was, let alone an iPod. Pearl Jam and Nirvana were still...

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MM#34 – Music Inspires Successful Business Practices

MM#34 – Music Inspires Successful Business Practices

It Comes Down to the Little Things Purchase the resources required for each camp day Hire a cohesive team that challenges each other to do their absolute best every day Request a comprehensive evaluation from key stakeholders at the end of each camp for quality...

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MM#33 – It Takes Two to Communicate

MM#33 – It Takes Two to Communicate

A quick visit to Wikipedia describes “communication as the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both sender and receiver.” Communication therefore requires that...

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MM#32 – Children Find A World They Can Not See

MM#32 – Children Find A World They Can Not See

It’s Thursday morning and eight visually impaired babies and toddlers accompany their parents to the music therapy program at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB). They file in one by one, many of the parent’s looking disheveled and tired. The parents...

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