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Music can help the brain recover after damage
Welcome to "Music Speaks," the blog of JB Music Therapy. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to get new articles easily, join the conversation by commenting on posts, or forward this music message to others who may benefit. Studies suggest that music...
Music in the Mind
Thanks to brain imaging devices, researchers have been able to determine that music activates multiple brain regions, which is why it has such a global impact on our memory, immune response, stress response, and our emotions. W5 developed an incredible series called...
Music Centred Camps Help Kids
Our mission is that families, months after camp has ended, inform us that their child has continued to build on the skills they developed during Therapy Express. What happens at camp SHOULD NOT stay at camp.
A Non-Verbal Child Learns How to Communicate
Scott is a 5-year-old who has a natural affinity to music. Every time he hears it in the mall, or during a walk, or when it is turned on in his own house, he will stop whatever he is doing and start rocking back and forth, dancing to the music. In other areas Scott...
What Music Therapy is…..and is not
March being National Music Therapy Month gives just one more opportunity to share this (still) rare, yet growing profession, with other health activists. Science has caught up with what music therapist's have been witnessing for many decades - that music can change...
The Sharp Sound of the School Bell Hurts a 9 Year Old
Katherine is a 9 year old who is very sensitive to sound - especially certain tones. There are many case accounts of students having a unique sensitivity to sounds and music (the actual tone, or sound of a particular instrument). For Katherine, the sound of the...
A Love Blog for the Agencies we Serve
As Valentine’s Day approaches I explore the theme of love with my clients. A difficult topic for some who feel thrown away by society, and for many even their families. Two such young men reside in a long-term care facility. They have no family and their community...
Make Music Work…at Work
Finding music that works in your work environment, like all good work procedures and strategies, takes time, and starts with being proactive instead of re-active. Here are my top 4 considerations when choosing and using music at work: 1. Discuss the BENEFITS of...
TUNE IN Review – BC Art Therapy Association
REVIEW by Pat Roles MSW, RSW, BCATR BC Art Therapy Association (learn more about them here) Newsletter Vol 33, Issue 1 This book is an easy, delightful read full of stories that illustrate the power of music in peoples’ lives. Ms. Buchanan starts the book with a...
Can Music Therapy Help You Reach Your Goals?
The short answer is YES. When I was in school I used music for a few different reasons: 1. To escape from my parents. I would turn the record player on in my room (or even better play music at my friends house) and we would just sit there together...not...