Blog| Notes

The Relevance of Music Therapy Today

The Relevance of Music Therapy Today

American Idol featured the impressive work of music therapy in a children's hospital setting.  What PR that is for a profession that started in the 50s and continues to grow today. Outstanding. But where is the relevance of Music Therapy for you?...the person reading...

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Music Tips to Boost your Productivity

Music Tips to Boost your Productivity

I like to say my life is full....not busy....busy sounds scattered to me, whereas full...well sounds full.  However full also means that there is no more room and that is not what I want for my day or week either.  What I am always on the hunt for is a way to be more...

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A Song a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A Song a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Welcome to "Music Speaks," the blog of JB Music Therapy. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to get new articles easily, join the conversation by commenting on posts, or forward this music message to others who may benefit. I am one of the lucky ones.  I...

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Music in the Mind

Music in the Mind

Thanks to brain imaging devices, researchers have been able to determine that music activates multiple brain regions, which is why it has such a global impact on our memory, immune response, stress response, and our emotions. W5 developed an incredible series called...

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What Music Therapy is…..and is not

What Music Therapy is…..and is not

March being National Music Therapy Month gives just one more opportunity to share this (still) rare, yet growing profession, with other health activists. Science has caught up with what music therapist's have been witnessing for many decades - that music can change...

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