When Emily Smiles

Emily has Down Syndrome. She spends much of her time in a wheelchair, and relies on others for her day to day care. Music therapy was introduced to Emily’s life to encourage self-expression and communication, as well as increased fine and gross motor movement.

Emily is a rock star. She may not dress in leather or be covered in tattoos, but she is a rock star nevertheless. She loves to dance, loves to play guitar, and most of all – loves music. ALL music. Emily may not to be able to use words like you or I but there is an undeniable response of joy on her face as she coos along to the music. She may not be able to rock out on a stage in front of thousands, but it is easily matched by the excitement on her mother’s face when Emily fist- bumps the air with all the attitude of Mick Jagger. And when Emily is rocking out on guitar, her smile lights up the room.

Music therapy has been a part of Emily’s life for over a year now. She attends group sessions at school, has been to JB Music Therapy summer camps, and receives one-to-one sessions.

by: Sarah Shanahan, MTA