What would happen to a child if they had Music Therapy every day for a week?

Music Therapy CampsWe know that music is such a powerful tool to open doors of communication, access emotions and to motivate change. Great improvements are often seen in clients who receive music therapy once a week – so what if a client receives music therapy more than once a week, maybe for five days in a row?

Therapy Express Summer Camps present a rare opportunity for campers to be immersed in music therapy and the expressive arts for a full week.  Through music therapy,  as well as visual, sensory and kinesthetic experiences, we work on specific goals by giving campers as many opportunities to respond, explore, and learn as possible.  As you can imagine, great results are witnessed;

Music Therapy Camp“I did want to express how much I believe that the camp has helped his communication skills.  Last week, the week after the camp, he has been initiating new words on his own, which is new.  I have heard how much music helps people with problems communicating and now I have seen it first hand.”                     – Kate Train, parent

Music Therapy Camps

Therapy Express is built on the premise that children feel a strong sense of belonging and connectedness while also empowered to develop new skills that will assist them in successful day to day activities. Specific areas addressed are development of verbal expression, music communication, large and small group social interactions gross and fine motor development as well as improved self – esteem and self-confidence.

A parent or aide accompanies the preschool child and those children requiring special medical assistance.  This is to ensure optimum safety and as a way for caregivers to learn creative and therapeutic strategies to use at home. Children who attend school with no aide are not required to bring an aide to camp.  In this case the final written report becomes the primary communication device between the camp therapists and families. In each report the primary therapy team highlights successes achieved, strengths observed, and recommendations for the future.

Music Therapy CampMeaningful themes such as; Magnificient Me,  My Body’s Special, If You’re Happy or Grumpy, My Place in the World, My Community are explored through fun activities with a non-musical purpose behind them. Campers are given opportunities to work on social skills, communication skills, to increase their self esteem and to explore and deepen their love of music.  Parents have also indicated Therapy Express summer camps have helped their child with transitions, turn taking skills and that post camp their child was calm and happy.  At the end of the week, parents, caregivers, family members and friends are invited to attend a musical performance, view campers artwork, and share pictures of the week.

We run camps for preschoolers, elementary children and teens with special needs. As we allow a maximum of 10 campers in each camp, space is limited.

More Information and Registration Here (for Students 3 – 15)

Music Therapy Camps