Using Music to Care For Ourselves and Our Communities

I am still processing my second visit to Igloolik, Nunavut. What I know for sure is that I am not taking the place nor the experiences I had for granted. To be invited into such a small community, in such a remote area, with so many significant stories of loss, trauma, and resilience, is humbling. I worked with the Arctic Child and Youth Foundation (ACYF), Elders and community members in a week-long workshop – Caring for Oursleves, Caring for Others (designed by the ACYF).

It was a difficult experience to plan for – but with my eyes and ears to the sky I learned the place and the people within it will teach me what is required. In this case I learned to listen even more deeply, to love even more fully and to trust that my openness and the skills I have developed over time are enough.

Tomorrow I will share more about my visit to the North on our social media sites – stay tuned.  Join us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram