Understanding the Power of Music and It’s Impact on Productivity at Work

For over thirty years, we’ve poured our hearts into growing a small private practice into something sustainable and enjoyable, while also helping to support our profession in addressing the world’s increasing health and wellness demands. This journey has enriched our understanding of what drives positive change in both individuals and groups, from the youngest to the most experienced. We remain convinced that using music expertly as a catalyst is the most efficient and effective way to ignite positive change – but there are always important considerations.


In today’s fast-paced workplace, we understand the nuances of maintaining well-being. While the power of music is universally acknowledged, its effective integration into our daily routines, much like diet and exercise, can present complexities.

Here are 5 considerations for playing music in large and small spaces:

The Universal Language of Motivation: Music

Music has always held a unique place in the tapestry of human experience. As we often emphasize, “Wellness, Wellplayed”  is not just a slogan for us – it is a profound reminder of how wellness and music intertwine. In the corporate realm, this synergy can manifest in various ways. Some employees will find the beat of a certain track as one that will propel them into a state of heightened focus and efficiency. For others, a serene melody will create a calm oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of a busy workday. Yet, music’s effect isn’t one-size-fits-all. While a pulsating rhythm might kickstart one individual’s productivity, it might be a source of distraction for another.

Small Spaces, Shared Tunes: Finding the Common Chord

In more intimate workspaces where teams are closely knit, finding a shared musical preference is not the mammoth task it may be with larger organizations. As Perton aptly points out, employees in smaller environments can usually agree on a genre or even a specific playlist that sets a pleasant ambiance for everyone. In such instances, music becomes more than just a background element. It transforms into a collaborative tool that not only enhances individual productivity but also fosters team cohesion. For larger organizations, we will do a bit more work to reach the desired outcomes.

The Challenges of Larger Open Spaces: Navigating Diverse Preferences

However, as we transition to larger, open-concept offices—a trend that’s gaining momentum globally—the dynamics of incorporating music change. What one department might cherish as their go-to motivational soundtrack might be another’s source of constant interruption.

Perton’s observation here underscores a crucial point: music’s impact on productivity is multifaceted. While some might feel invigorated by louder tunes, others might find it detrimental to their workflow. And in expansive open spaces, catering to everyone’s musical tastes becomes a daunting challenge.

‘Conversational Coworkers’: Can Music be the Solution?

Another dimension of the corporate world that often intersects with the realm of music is communication among coworkers. While open conversations foster collaboration and creativity, incessant chatter can sometimes become counterproductive. Not only can it disrupt focus, but it might also sow seeds of discontent among employees who prefer a quieter work environment.

Here, music might offer a solution. Carefully curated playlists (link to Wellness, Wellplayed Book), perhaps chosen collaboratively by teams, can set a balanced auditory environment. It can mask distracting chatter, allowing employees to immerse themselves in their tasks while still maintaining an atmosphere conducive to productive discussions.

Striking the Right Note: Towards a Harmonious Corporate Environment

Incorporating music into the corporate wellness framework requires careful consideration, open dialogue, and a touch of creativity. It’s essential to strike a balance—understanding that while music holds immense potential as a motivational tool, its effects vary among individuals.



By fostering an environment where employees feel heard and understood, businesses can harness music’s power in enhancing productivity, ensuring job satisfaction, and promoting overall well-being. Remember, it’s not just about playing tunes in the background, but about integrating them into the very fabric of the corporate culture.