TUNE IN Review – BC Art Therapy Association

REVIEW by Pat Roles MSW, RSW, BCATR BC Art Therapy Association (learn more about them here) Newsletter Vol 33, Issue 1

This book is an easy, delightful read full of stories that illustrate the power of music in peoples’ lives. Ms. Buchanan starts the book with a touching story about how she was encouraged by her grandma to play and sing for her granddad. The author reveals the impact of this music on him and on her as a pivotal experience resulting in music therapy as her career. Music was described as being capable of being more than entertainment or a learning opportunity. Jennifer believes that the real value in music is what it does to the person experiencing it regardless of whether or not one is the performer or the listener. Music affects each person in a unique way. Through Jennifer’s career she discovered five areas where music helps to change someone’s emotional state in a positive way. Music can: focus and distract; connect and celebrate: motivate and relax; evoke memories and enhance new experiences; and tap into feelings and entertain. The premise of the book is to use music intentionally.

Jennifer’s personal mission is to help people recognize the positive sounds in their lives. She illustrates how sounds and silence and not just music, evoke positive and negative feelings. This author provides stories about different types of sounds and the related associations across the life span. To use music intentionally includes increasing awareness of and recognizing auditory triggers. Then the quest is to decrease the negative triggers and increase the positive triggers to improve well-being. Jennifer adds a section about the auditory diet needing variation. The author aids the reader with tools to learn about and create your own ways to use music intentionally in your life. She sites that a good auditory diet can help you use music to handle adverse situations, as a preventative tool and to improve quality of life. This author ends the book by completing the story about her grandma’s influence in her life. She told a moving story about singing with her grandma and sister prior to her grandma’s death. Jennifer shares how hard it can be to find your voice when it is your loved one and your loss. This book educates and motivates the reader to a broad understanding of the influence of sounds, silence and music influence on our lives. It demonstrates the benefits with real life situations of being intentional to find comfort, lift the spirit and improve mood.

TUNE IN helps you FIND YOUR MUSIC and Intentionally Curb Stress, Boost Morale and Restore Health. Music triggers feelings and shifts attitudes. Learn how you can use music intentionally to cope with stress or boost your motivation simply, quickly and at minimal cost. Published by Hugo House Publishers in Denver, Colorado. $19.95 Paperback $9.99 E-Book

Presentations based on Jennifer’s new book TUNE IN are available in KeyNote, Seminar and retreat formats.
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