Program Update: Special Projects for you to Express to

Have you ever listened to music and began to doodle on a nearby piece of paper? Or started tapping your foot along to the beat of the music? Have you cranked up the music in your car to sing along with your favorite tune on the radio?  These are all moments of self expression, where we make our own mark “expressing the individual spark of our humanity” (Warren, 1993).  The expressive arts create an accessible means to ensure everyone’s mark is seen, heard and noticed.

At JB Music Therapy we recognize music goes hand in hand with other expressive arts.  Our Special Projects provide not only musical opportunities for self expression, however incorporate art, movement, and drama to give our clients a variety of mediums to create their own unique mark.

We have several upcoming events and programs designed to do just that:  

“Night of Song” in celebration of National Music Therapy Month (March) provides performance opportunities to our clients who have goals related to performing for others. Night of Song is our chance to create a musical community and share in each other’s talent.  This event takes place March 22 at 6:30pm in the Providence Gym located at 5232 4th St SW, Calgary, AB.

Spring Break Camps are a half-day, therapeutic arts experience for preschool children of all abilities. Our camps incorporate music therapy, art, movement and drama to provide children and teens a variety of alternatives for self-expression.

“Music in Motion” is a dance and movement exploration where we will tap into our resources of breath, body and sensation. You will be guided with music, suggestion, art, poetry and imagery. This class is an invitation to enter your own dance, to move free of judgement and celebrate what you can do, making room for all of who you are.

“Meet Up” combines group music therapy and art experiences to offer opportunities for personal expression, skill (both in music and art) enhancement and positive peer interaction.
“Community Choir”  unites teens and adults, with or without disabilities, who love to sing. Our goal is to perform for the community after only 10 sessions together and contribute to something greater than ourselves.
For more information on all of these programs please contact:


Author : Christine Wensveen, Vice – President of Special Projects at JB Music Therapy

JB Music Therapy is a socially conscious, hard working, talented group of professionals who desire to make a difference.

To book a music therapy session, conference presentation, or purchase a related product visit our website at