One weekend when I was 8 years old I woke up to a piano being carried into my living room by two burly men. Within weeks of the piano being delivered a man by the name of Mr. Nicholwitz arrived. He was introduced to me as my piano teacher. Mr. Nicholwitz would arrive...
Blog Articles
Music Therapy in Palliative Care – Strong Partners in Healthcare
25 years has passed since I entered my first palliative care room. Today, like all the other days in the past, I was unfamiliar with the person I was about to meet - all I knew as I walked through her door was that her name was Sheryl and she was the same age as I...
Music Therapy and Autism
In 1991, the first year of JB Music Therapy, AUTISM was still spoken about as a rare, life long, institutionalized disorder. Autistic disorder is rare, occurring in fewer than five children per ten thousand births, but with few exceptions, it leads to a life of...
Music Therapy and Mental Health
Many people, young and old, are living with a wide array of physical and emotional needs: decline in motor functioning, social isolation, depression, anxiety, confusion, lack of focus, stress and physical pain…. For Brad, chronic PTSD and depression robbed him of...
‘Life With Music’ Fundraiser – Documentary Screening
In celebration of National Music Therapy Month (MARCH) join us for the documentary viewing of 'Life with Emily' - all proceeds to fund local Music Therapy program at Central Memorial High School. March 10 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Central Memorial High School - EVENT HAS...
Introducing Music Therapy to a Neuro Rehabilitation Unit – Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke
JB Music Therapy has partnered with the Neuro Rehabilitation Unit at the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to pilot a Music Therapy program for patients recovering from brain injury, stroke and spinal cord injury. The new partnership includes a...
The Problem with Christmas Music
Christmas music is everywhere and for some people it seems to be starting earlier and earlier each year. Memories of ‘Christmas Past’ flood back during the first bars of “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” and for some a happiness chord is struck, joy is released, a...
Fran Herman – Music Therapy Pioneer, Colleague, Friend, Mentor
For over 50 years, Fran Herman has used her special talents as a music therapist, advocate, artist and leader to change the lives of many people. From early on Fran has worked tirelessly to promote music therapy, making it available to everyone regardless of age,...