Music Therapy and Brain Injury

Last month was dedicated to Music Therapy with Persons with Alzheimer’sMARCH 2012 (National Music Therapy Month in Canada) will focus on Music Therapy with Brain Injury.

Working with anyone who has suffered a neurological impairment is sensitive work.  As music therapists we are often introduced to the individual many months, or years, after their traumatic brain injury or diagnosis, therefore it is important we look at the person sitting in front of us in 3 different ways:

a) who they were, what was important to them and how can music access their best memories

b) who they are, what do they need right now and how can music make them feel successful today

c) who they desire to become, what do they hope to achieve and how can music help them get there.

With such an abrupt cognitive and physical change the individual who has sustained the brain injury must process significant grief and loss.  This can be a difficult especially as past memories are being stirred.

The following video demonstrates the use of creating NEW music by accessing old memories through songwriting –  using the combined skills of music therapist, client and the aide of the client.  Although this video ends on a sentimental note it is important that the observer understand that in the weeks that followed therapists continued to work with this individual to ensure that many new memories and achievements were celebrated.

Author : Jennifer Buchanan

JB Music Therapy is a socially conscious, hard working, talented group of professionals who desire to make a difference.

To book a music therapy session, conference presentation, or purchase a related product visit our website at