MM#31 – Let ‘FreeDrum’ Reign!

Playing the drums is an effective way of decreasing stress and lowering staff turnover, according to a survey from the US.

When staff at a Pennsylvania nursing home took part in six weekly drumming sessions, it was said to improve their mood by almost 50 per cent. Dr Barry Bittman, author of the report, found the therapy resulted in 49 fewer employees resigning over the 12 months following the investigation. Apparently, the drumming created “a connectiveness and energy within the group”.

These findings coupled with our last 20 years of clinical work has lead us to providing Two New Drumming Programs (with more to come) at the JB Music Therapy Centre:

FreeDrum‘ from Depression and Down Times**
therapeutically designed for those experiencing bouts of depression, moments of sadness or coping through difficult life transitions – family and friends also welcome.


FunDrum‘ for Self Expression**
specially designed for individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers

Coming January 2012 – ‘MemDrum’ for seniors and Individuals coping with Memory Loss and ‘KidzDrum’ for Children under 12 and their families or caregivers.

**At JBMT we couple the concept of Drum Circles with other percussion and a hint of singing.

Don’t forget we have Private Adapted Music Lessons and Personalized Music Therapy Programs


“Music Speaks” Blog: 50 Musical Motivators for 2011 (MMs) aims to Help you Relax, Reflect and Remember what you Value Most