A Love Letter to the Organizations We Serve

As Valentine’s Day approaches our team often explores the theme of love with their clients.  A difficult topic for some who feel thrown away by society, and sometimes their family and friends.  Two such young men reside in a group home we serve.  They have no family and their community life has been greatly reduced to their agency’s confines due to financial constraints.  Both men are in their early 40’s and are living with PTSD and chronic sadness.

As the music therapy session progresses we used music to evoke memories and meaningful discussion.  The session came to a close and a soft voice spoke,  “….thanks for making this week a bit better.”

Music is not a cure-all for love lost, or missed, but it can help a little.

However, music therapists are just a small piece of the pie – the caregivers, parents, professionals and agencies we witness each week give love in many different and amazing ways. JB Music Therapy wants to thank the organizations we work with for demonstrating love to those they serve.  It is an honour to be even a small piece.

This week we asked clients how they can make someone’s day.  Here are their suggestions:

  1. call someone you are angry with and apologize
  2. send a valentines card to your friends
  3. hug your mom
  4. ask someone who sits alone in the cafeteria if you can sit with them because you don’t like eating alone
  5. smile more often at others in the hall
  6. put your answer here________________________

May we suggest that if you LOVE the agency you donate to, volunteer in or are just grateful to have in your community, to give them a voice call or send a short email or note and say – THANK YOU.