Choosing a Single Core Value For You and Your Business

Writing my second book has been a long and reflective journey, as it reminded me of not just the successes but every mistake I have made in my business along the way. I have felt grateful, laughed out loud, cried a few times, and cringed more than I would like to admit. However, the most important outcome of this process was that I felt newly challenged and compelled to do better in basically everything I do. 

My good friend Dennis Plintz, an outstanding business leader and author, asked me a serious question during what I thought was to be a casual visit: “Jen, what would you say is your core value?” I replied with, “for me or for my business?” He shrugged slightly and I immediately asked myself, should they be different?

After tremendous thought I feel our core value at JB Music Therapy is: TRANSFORMATIONAL CONNECTION (personal, soulful, warm and inspiring) – connection to music, connection to our agency partners, connection to our clients and their families, and the team’s connection to one another. I feel ALL of these connections must exist for our company to be authentically successful in reaching our desired community impact.

How does this resonate with how you see me and the company I run? I would love to hear your feedback!

Of course most individuals and businesses have many values, however, having a single core value can help you and your business be much more focused and successful in reaching your personal or professional mission.

In the meantime, please sign up for our monthly newsletter for the most up-to-date information. In the fall you can expect a new book and new blog posts.

Have a wonderful summer!