Music Activities: Try This to Activate your Brain

Man Dancing with HeadphonesIt is always exciting to see how people are contributing to the development of children and the preservation of the rest of us as we age.  As we explore Music, The Brain and Ecstasy this month I found a wonderful website for Music and Movement…all based on the research behind Brain Gym:

Brain Gym  is a program of 26 physical movements that enhance learning & performance in all areas. Developed in the 1970’s through the work of educators Dr.Paul & Gail Dennison in response to their quest to seek more effective ways to help children & adults with learning difficulties.

In nature, the brain’s neural pathways & connections are developed through movement. Brain Gym works by promoting specific movement experiences which assist in facilitating optimal achievement of mental potential. All acts of speech, learning, vision & coordination are learned through a complex repertoire of movement.

Check out this wonderful website that includes many books as well as music and movement programs for children and adults!

and then for fun TRY THIS…I think I am going to have the entire JBMT team do just that this Thursday at our team meeting – wish us luck!


Author : Jennifer Buchanan

JB Music Therapy is a socially conscious, hard working, talented group of professionals who desire to make a difference.

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