About Us

Who We Are

Since 1991, JB Music Therapy (JBMT) has been a leading provider of music therapy services, driven by a dedicated team of Certified Music Therapists. Our diverse and innovative programs, developed in collaboration with numerous partners, are designed to advance health, recovery, and learning.


We empower and connect people to their best self regardless of age, circumstance or music background. We champion connection, access and resources through excellence in music therapy services, partnerships and public education, transforming lives one note at a time.


We are committed to strategically expanding our services to drive positive change for individuals, organizations, and communities. Our vision is to advance music therapy through innovation and unwavering client focus, establishing ourselves as leaders in healthcare, recovery, and learning.

It all started with…


JB Music Therapy had its beginnings in Surrey, British Columbia where Jennifer Buchanan visited her Grandad at a long-term healthcare facility. Most of the time Grandad would be unresponsive during these visits…that was until Granny suggested that Jennifer learn Grandad’s favourite song…

Jennifer (and everyone else in the room) was surprised when a female patient, who would typically scream in the halls, entered Grandad’s room and began to sing along. Another patient, who typically wandered in circles, sat in a chair for almost an hour of music. Grandad cried and Granny arranged for Jennifer to return every week.

Jennifer quickly came to realize the therapeutic effects music can have on people, organizations and entire communities. This inspired Jennifer to later apply to a music therapy degree program. At the time there were few music therapy jobs in Canada, making private practice a viable option.

After completing her music therapy education, Jennifer relocated to Calgary, Alberta where she founded JB Music Therapy, a private, mobile, community-based business. With conviction, she began her journey of introducing music therapy to the young, vibrant city. The demand for music therapy grew immediately and eventually, through mostly word of mouth, and an incredible team, JB Music Therapy would grow to where it is today – serving hundreds of people each week – transforming lives, one note at a time.


Connection: Our overarching value is deeply rooted in connection – connection to music, the therapeutic process, our clients and their families, our agency partners, the communities we serve, and the internal connection we have within our team.


Access: We are dedicated to making our services as accessible as possible, regardless of location or circumstance. We work with partners to help remove barriers, to reach the individuals, groups, audiences and communities who will benefit.


Resourcefulness: We empower our clients and audiences with tools and strategies that will improve their personal and professional journeys, ensuring that our services are not just techniques but gateways to greater health, recovery and learning.


Excellence: We are dedicated to advancing our individual and collective expertise through continuous professional development and collaboration. Coupled with the latest research and innovative therapeutic techniques, we strive to provide the most effective services and resources possible.

JB Music Therapy

Our Team

JB Music Therapy has a team of Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) and is a recognized internship site for music therapy students from around the world.  All MTAs are members of the Canadian Association of Music Therapists.

Certifications & Insurance

Professional Responsibilities

JB Music Therapy has been serving the Calgary community since September 1991. We take our protection of the public seriously. This information is to confirm what our therapists and business carry in regard to community responsibility.

Please note that JB Music Therapy is approved as a qualified service provider for Alberta Human Services and Alberta Health Services.

  • All therapists have graduated from an approved degree training program and have received their certification (or are in the process of their certification) with the Canadian Association of Music Therapists.
  • All therapists, as members of the CAMT, have acknowledged their compliance with the CAMT Code of Ethics.
  • JB Music Therapy is an incorporated business in Alberta.  Our business number is 2011887516.
  • JB Music Therapy’s Copy of Insurance.
  • We carry WCB Insurance.  Account number: 3252795.
  • Here is our Commitment to your Privacy Policy.
  • JBMT therapists are Police Checked (PIC) every 3 years. Copies of police checks are available upon request.
  • JBMT uses Zoom Pro and Google Meet. Our goal is to offer our music therapy services, online or in-person, safely and effectively .  With virtual, we know the risks and acknowledge that no online tool is ever completely secure.  Our therapists do their absolute best to ensure every one of your sessions remains private and confidential. 

JBMT is a recognized music therapy CAMT internship site, and offers supervision for music therapy interns and practicum students. We also provide coaching and mentorship to Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) looking for support in their work or private practice.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

JB Music Therapy

Join Our Team

Established in 1991, JB Music Therapy is a team of certified Music Therapists (MTAs) and an award-winning Canadian company based in Calgary, Alberta.