by jb music therapy | May 22, 2013 | Blog
Songza is hands down my favourite app. You can choose from a rather long list of activities, and have curated playlists served up to you based on what you’re doing. Songza has gone even further with the introduction of the ‘concierge’ feature. Concierge...
by jb music therapy | May 18, 2013 | Blog
Click Here for Slides and Notes Music Therapy offers the community an extension to their health care and a boost to their learning. The world needs music therapy leaders more than ever. Welcome to “Music Speaks,” the blog of JB Music Therapy. If...
by jb music therapy | May 6, 2013 | Blog
Welcome to “Music Speaks,” the blog of JB Music Therapy. If you’re new here, you may want to join the conversation by commenting on posts (we love this), or forward this message to others who may benefit. When Music Therapists rush, we can feel...
by jb music therapy | Apr 27, 2013 | Blog
American Idol featured the impressive work of music therapy in a children’s hospital setting. What PR that is for a profession that started in the 50s and continues to grow today. Outstanding. But where is the relevance of Music Therapy for you?…the...
by jb music therapy | Apr 23, 2013 | Blog
I like to say my life is full….not busy….busy sounds scattered to me, whereas full…well sounds full. However full also means that there is no more room and that is not what I want for my day or week either. What I am always on the hunt for is a way...