by jb music therapy | Jan 9, 2014 | Blog
This afternoon the JBMT team got together to review 2013. Here are just a few highlights: JANUARY Andrea Curry was named the JBMT Spirit Award for 2012 The Disability Resource Meeting was hosted at the JBMT centre – bringing together 20 representatives from 20...
by jb music therapy | Jan 2, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
Thanks to X929 for raising $10,000 for Music Therapy in December. It was the annual XMAS Takeover! They played nothing but Christmas music (their listeners have alternative tastes) and didn’t stop until they raised $10,000 for The Canadian Music Therapy Trust...
by jb music therapy | Dec 6, 2013 | Blog, Children
During her birth Laura lost 20 minutes of oxygen and had to be resuscitated immediately. She had no brainwave activity seen on the two EEG tests and little hope except in her parents’ heart. When Laura’s mother finally saw her baby, Laura’s little lungs breathed with...
by jb music therapy | Nov 19, 2013 | Blog
Music as an art form, is such a powerful tool to use in therapy. The experiences we have when listening to, and engaging in music, parallel the vast amount of emotions we feel inside, which can help us connect to ourselves. Music has no boundaries and has the...
by jb music therapy | Nov 8, 2013 | Blog, Elders
This video of Neil is of a particularly special Music Therapy moment – showing a courageous, strong man who fought at the front lines during WWII. A man who demonstrates love of country, music and his dear Vera.