by jb music therapy | Jun 4, 2017 | Activities for Home and Work, Blog
One weekend when I was 8 years old I woke up to a piano being carried into my living room by two burly men. Within weeks of the piano being delivered a man by the name of Mr. Nicholwitz arrived. He was introduced to me as my piano teacher. Mr. Nicholwitz would arrive...
by jb music therapy | May 8, 2017 | Blog, Palliative Care
25 years has passed since I entered my first palliative care room. Today, like all the other days in the past, I was unfamiliar with the person I was about to meet – all I knew as I walked through her door was that her name was Sheryl and she was the same age...
by jb music therapy | Apr 2, 2017 | Autism, Blog
In 1991, the first year of JB Music Therapy, AUTISM was still spoken about as a rare, life long, institutionalized disorder. Autistic disorder is rare, occurring in fewer than five children per ten thousand births, but with few exceptions, it leads to a life of...
by jb music therapy | Mar 22, 2017 | Blog, Mental Health
Many people, young and old, are living with a wide array of physical and emotional needs: decline in motor functioning, social isolation, depression, anxiety, confusion, lack of focus, stress and physical pain…. For Brad, chronic PTSD and depression robbed him of...
by jb music therapy | Feb 4, 2017 | Blog, Children, Disabilities
In celebration of National Music Therapy Month (MARCH) join us for the documentary viewing of ‘Life with Emily’ – all proceeds to fund local Music Therapy program at Central Memorial High School. March 10 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Central Memorial...