by jb music therapy | Nov 6, 2018 | Blog, Disabilities, Drumming, Personal Wellness, Youth
A study published by Barry Bittman, MD found that group drumming session alters neuroendocrine and immunologic measurements in the participants – this means a boost to your immune system. Drumming was chosen for this study because percussion activities can be...
by jb music therapy | Jun 29, 2018 | Blog
Writing my second book has been a long and reflective journey, as it reminded me of not just the successes but every mistake I have made in my business along the way. I have felt grateful, laughed out loud, cried a few times, and cringed more than I would like to...
by jb music therapy | Jun 6, 2018 | Blog, Personal Wellness
Do you feel you need a boost at work? Music may be the solution. The music industry has proof that you should listen to music while you work. In a survey commissioned by the UK licensing organizations PPL and PRS for Music, 77 percent of surveyed businesses say...
by jb music therapy | May 10, 2018 | Blog, Mental Health
When Statistics Canada shared their results from the Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health 2012 it fell in line with a recommendation by the Commission’s Mental Health Strategy for Canada which outlined the need to “improve mental health data collection,...
by jb music therapy | Apr 17, 2018 | Blog, Palliative Care
I entered my first palliative care room as a practicing music therapist in early 1990s. I was unfamiliar with the person I was about to meet – all I knew as I walked through the door was that her name was Gwen, she was wearing a colourful head scarf, and she was the...