MM#49 – Music is Medicine (without the warning labels)

Although Potent like a Drug – it comes with no warning labels….

We take music in by choice and at our own risk.

Music can open doors WIDE and SHUT them just as fast.  

Our team is ON ALERT every session we facilitate.  This is because many of our clients may have an adverse reaction to music.  It is up to us to react immediately and adjust our course of action, if or when they do.  We watch every furrow of brow and analyze why a toe stops or spontaneously starts tapping.  We are constantly assessing through our therapeutic lens.

For you see…many of our clients may not be able to tell us. From birth or perhaps due to an accident later in life many of the people we work with are not able to express themselves verbally.  It is then even more important that we are paying attention to their many other signals to ensure we are striking the right chord – EVERYTIME.

During This Season Music Therapists are sensitive to the additional needs of our clients including cultural needs and preferences.  We recognize that music evokes positive and negative memories sparked by the holiday season.  This month please be assured that MUSIC THERAPISTS ARE ON ALERT at all times and our primary goal is to ensure that you and your loved ones are getting exactly what you need from the music therapy sessions be it fun, social, meaningful, reflective or anxiety-curbing. Music can help and be the perfect treatment for the season.

Remember Music Therapists do a lot more than provide weekly music therapy programs.  We offer:

We have a special deal on 10 music therapy sessions right now – visit our shop to register – all ages, all abilities.

Jennifer Buchanan is a professional speaker, performer and happy owner of JB Music Therapy.  She is available to present at your next conference to inspire your audience with music that aims to make each moment more memorable.

“Music Speaks” Blog: 50 Musical Motivators for 2011 (MMs) aims to Help you Relax, Reflect and Remember what you Value Most